Open Source Software Licenses
Last updated: October 7, 2024
This table lists the open-source software used in the Candle mobile app. At Candle Finance, we support open source and believe in giving back to the community. You can find our open-source projects on our GitHub.
Name | Link | License Type |
@candlefinance/app-icon | @candlefinance/app-icon | MIT |
@candlefinance/blur-view | @candlefinance/blur-view | MIT |
@candlefinance/faster-image | @candlefinance/faster-image | MIT |
@candlefinance/financekit | @candlefinance/financekit | MIT |
@candlefinance/haptics | @candlefinance/haptics | MIT |
@candlefinance/send | @candlefinance/send | MIT |
@effect/schema | @effect/schema | MIT |
@lodev09/react-native-true-sheet | @lodev09/react-native-true-sheet | MIT |
@react-native-masked-view/masked-view | @react-native-masked-view/masked-view | MIT |
@segment/analytics-react-native | @segment/analytics-react-native | MIT |
@segment/sovran-react-native | @segment/sovran-react-native | MIT |
d3-array | d3-array | ISC |
d3-hierarchy | d3-hierarchy | ISC |
d3-sankey | d3-sankey | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-scale | d3-scale | ISC |
d3-scale-chromatic | d3-scale-chromatic | ISC |
d3-shape | d3-shape | ISC |
effect | effect | MIT |
fast-text-encoding | fast-text-encoding | Apache-2.0 |
fuse.js | fuse.js | Apache-2.0 |
http-status-codes | http-status-codes | MIT |
luxon | luxon | MIT |
numeral | numeral | MIT |
react | react | MIT |
react-native | react-native | MIT |
react-native-device-info | react-native-device-info | MIT |
react-native-file-access | react-native-file-access | MIT |
react-native-gesture-handler | react-native-gesture-handler | MIT |
react-native-get-random-values | react-native-get-random-values | MIT |
react-native-keychain | react-native-keychain | MIT |
react-native-localization | react-native-localization | MIT |
react-native-localize | react-native-localize | MIT |
react-native-maps | react-native-maps | MIT |
react-native-mmkv | react-native-mmkv | (MIT AND BSD-3-Clause) |
react-native-reanimated | react-native-reanimated | MIT |
react-native-redash | react-native-redash | MIT |
react-native-svg | react-native-svg | MIT |
react-native-tableview | react-native-tableview | ISC |
react-native-url-polyfill | react-native-url-polyfill | MIT |
TrustKit | TrustKit | MIT |