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Chat with your money

View account balances, organize your spending, and perform actions—all within ChatGPT.

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Access your existing financial accounts

RobinhoodCash AppChaseBank of AmericaCoinbaseAMEXCapital OneCITIVenmoPaypalVanGuardWFCharles Schwab
RobinhoodCash AppChaseBank of AmericaCoinbaseAMEXCapital OneCITIVenmoPaypalVanGuardWFCharles Schwab

As easy as...

Get started by downloading Candle on iOS or Android.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

How does ChatGPT access my financial accounts?arrow

To use the Candle GPT, you have to give it access to your financial accounts via the Candle app. When you connect a financial account to Candle, your credentials stay on your device and are never shared with us or anybody else.

What can ChatGPT do with my financial accounts?arrow

Using Candle, ChatGPT can access your balances, investments, and account history, place orders & transfers on your behalf, and more. When you authorize ChatGPT to access your Candle account, you can give it permission to perform only select actions (or all).

Do I need to have the Candle app to use the Candle GPT?arrow

Yes. The Candle app is your control panel where you securely connect your financial accounts and manage them in one place. Your credentials stay on your device and are never shared with us or anybody else. If you give permission to ChatGPT to access your accounts, it can only do so via the Candle app.

Can I revoke access to my accounts?arrow

Yes, you can revoke ChatGPT's access to your Candle account & linked financial accounts at any time. You can manage all active 3rd party clients (like ChatGPT) in the Candle app by going to Automations > Library.

How does Candle make money?arrow

Currently, all of our products & services are free to use. In the future, we will require an in-app subscription to access pro features, which may include features previously offered for free (like ChatGPT). We will never sell your personal or financial data and will always put your privacy and security first. Please note that you must have an active ChatGPT Plus subscription (billed separately) to use 3rd party GPTs like Candle.

More questions? Ask us on Discordarrow

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